We are a small rural preschool operating in Old Newton Village Hall. We have access to an outdoor area so children can learn both in the indoors and outdoors learning environment. We are in the very fortunate position to be surrounded by fields, woods and a play park. Staff ensure children have opportunities to access these facilities regularly allowing children to learn across the 7 areas of learning (for more information see Our Curriculum) within a variety of environments.  

We encourage the children to be as independent as possible, we are preparing them not only for school but for many other future experiences and the life skills they need to learn and thrive.

What Our Setting Looks Like

Our Daily Routine

On an average day this is what the children attending Old Newton Under Fives can expect to do. This is very flexible dependent on weather, activities and the children attending that day.

  • 9:00 am – The preschool staff will welcome the children into the setting. The children will self-register using the fruit by placing them onto the tree and place their belongings onto their chairs.
  • 9:05 am – The children are able to free-flow both inside and outside for the whole session.
  • 9:30 am – The children sit on the carpet, where an adult will welcome to prechool and explain any activities happening that day.
  • 10:30 am – The snack bar will be opened where children will choose when to have their snack, cutting up fruit and pouring their own drinks.
  • 11:45 am– The children help the grown-ups to tidy up both indoors and outdoors.
  • 11:55 am– The children sit on the carpet and an adult will read them a story, sing songs, talk about their morning, and practice the days of the week with the children.
  • 12:00 pm – The morning session children go home with their parents/carers and the children who are staying go and wash their hands ready for lunch club.
  • 12:30 pm – Some children may go home after lunch club
  • 12:35 pm – Quiet play.
  • 1:00 pm – The children resume normal play with free flow inside-outside.
  • 2:30 pm – The children help tidy away
  • 2:40 pm – The children join an adult for group time which will involve singing, stories, or games.
  • 3:00 pm – Home time

We provide free flow with three members of staff. Due to the size of the room, when there are two members of staff present, we have an all-in all-our routine to ensure the children’s safety.

Snack Menu

Children are offered a choice of apples, bananas, oranges and pears, along with other seasonal fruit on a daily basis. They can also choose between water, milk and oat milk. They will also be offered some form of carbohydrate. This can be bread sticks, cereal, rice cakes, toast, Ritz crackers, or similar.

Once children have finished their snack, they are encouraged to wash up their own plate and cup.